Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm cleaning today.  Yup, the dreaded cleaning of the casa, not my favorite part of being a stay at home Mommy, but a necessary one.  But for the moment I am taking a quick break and doing a quick post.  Perhaps this is simply an excuse to take a break... dunno. 

The Munchkins and I had a fantastic time this weekend.  Donnie had a fishing trip in Arkansas so while he was gone (getting a terrible sunburn on his legs) we had some much needed fun time.  We went and saw the last Shrek movie in 3-D, it was Henry's first 3-D movie and he loved it!  Ran to Barnes and Noble and bought the Munchkins some books while I had a nice hot coffee :)  Got together with my sister in law and took all the kids bowling and out to dinner, poor Henry was so tired he fell asleep in the booth.  All in all we had a really great time. 

Well, today is Monday, Donnie is at work with a monster sunburn, I'm trying to find my house again and the Munchkins are watching some movies I rented them from redbox.  Happy Monday!!